Enclosure (1) to COMDTINST 4600.14B
b. Attempts to pay the account balance with insufficient fund checks two or more times
in a 12-month period.
c. The unpaid account balance reached 181 days past due.
d. The GTCC bank wrote off the unpaid balance as an unrecoverable debt.
e. The account has an unpaid balance.
2. GTCC reinstatement request must be initiated by the member requesting reinstatement.
The following procedures will be followed for requesting GTCC reinstatement:
a. Member:
(1) Complete the GTCC user training. A copy of the certificate of completion shall
be maintained and available for presentation upon request.
(2) Prepare and submit an e-mail to the CO through the appropriate chain-of-
(a) E-mail subject must be "Request for GTCC Reinstatement".
(b) E-mail content must include the last four digits of the SSN, specifically
request GTCC reinstatement, a full explanation as to why the GTCC was
cancelled and any mitigating information on any other occurrences of late
payment, a statement that the account balance has been paid in full, a
statement acknowledging that all Coast Guard and GTCC bank instructions
are understood and will be complied with and that there is a potential of
disciplinary action should there be any deviation from the instructions and a
statement that GTCC holder training has been completed.
b. Commanding Officer. The request requires a CO endorsement and this endorsement
cannot be delegated. If the request is denied it shall be returned to the member. If the
request is approved it must then be forwarded to the regional supporting GTCC
coordinator. At minimum, requests that are approved must contain the following
(1) The member has been counseled on their responsibilities for adhering to the
cardholder responsibilities as outlined by the Coast Guard and the GTCC bank
pertaining to card use and preparation and submission of travel claims.
(2) The member has been counseled that non-timely payments will not be tolerated.
(3) The member has been counseled that there is a potential of disciplinary action if
Coast Guard and the GTCC bank instructions are not fully complied with.