Enclosure (1) to COMDTINST 4600.14B
2. Upon receipt of the monthly statement the cardholder shall review the statement for
accuracy. Inaccuracies shall be immediately reported to the bank by calling the customer
service phone number listed on the statement or the phone number listed on the reverse of
the GTCC. Cardholders have the right to dispute charges made to their account;
however, disputes must be registered with the bank immediately upon receipt of the
monthly statement. The payment aging will be suspended for any transaction being
disputed; however, if the transaction is found to be authorized the aging will revert to the
statement date on which the transaction originally appeared. Dispute procedures and
forms can be found on the PSC website. See paragraph A.11 for instructions on
accessing the PSC website.
H. Payment of the GTCC Statement. The GTCC statement must be paid in full, regardless of
reimbursement, by the due date printed on the monthly statement. Partial payments are not
I. GTCC Account Aging.
1. The payment due date of a statement is 25 calendar days from the statement date.
2. A GTCC account is classified as one day past due if the bank has not received payment
by the 30th calendar day from the statement date.
3. A GTCC account will be suspended when the account balance is 36 calendar days past
due. When an account has been suspended no additional charges can be placed against
the account. The suspension will be removed only after the account past due balance has
been paid in full.
4. A GTCC account is classified as delinquent when the account balance reaches 61
calendar days past due.
5. A GTCC account will be cancelled when the account balance reaches 101 calendar days
past due. An account that is cancelled can only be reactivated through the reinstatement
6. The GTCC bank will notify commercial credit rating companies when an account reaches
120 days past due.
7. A GTCC account will be classified as charged off when the account balance reaches 180
days past due. Commercial credit rating companies are again notified when an account
reaches 180 days past due. Accounts that reach 180 days past due will never be eligible
for reinstatement.
J. Salary Offset. The Coast Guard participates in the GTCC salary offset program and has
directed the bank to commence the salary offset process when an account reaches 90 days
past due. The Coast Guard will commence salary offset only after an individual has been
afforded the required due process. Due process for GTCC salary offset is identical to other