Enclosure (1) to COMDTINST 4600.14B
2. Individuals that possess a GTCC and anticipate traveling less than five times a year shall
have their credit limit reduced to
. The credit limit shall be increased to the appropriate
level only when the member is in receipt of official travel orders. The credit limit shall
be reduced to
upon completion of the travel. GTCC coordinators shall contact the
GTCC bank for instructions on temporarily increasing the credit limits of all the
cardholders assigned to a specific hierarchy.
3. Recruit credit limits.
a. The credit limit for recruits with dependents in receipt of OCONUS permanent
change of station orders will be established by the CO of Training Center Cape May.
The credit limit shall be based on anticipated need; however, at no time will the
established credit limit exceed ,500.
b. The credit limit for recruits without dependents in receipt of OCONUS permanent
change of station orders will be
4. CO's and supervisors are responsible for monitoring the credit limit of cardholders under
their Command to ensure credit limits are in accordance with these policies. The Direct
Access Travel Charge Card report can be used as a means of monitoring credit limits.
5. The authorized standard monthly cash withdrawal limit will not exceed 30% of the
available credit limit. There are no exceptions to the 30% limit.
1. TDY travel duration that exceeds 21 days. Card use is not mandatory if the travel
duration will exceed 21 days. If the cardholder chooses to use the card for trips
exceeding 21 days, interim travel claims must be submitted. The cardholder should
always consider when the payment will be due and the usual claim processing time to
determine when a claim may need to be submitted. The first interim claim must be
submitted no later than 21 days after commencement of travel and every 21 days
thereafter. Arrangements must be made by the cardholder to receive the necessary billing
information and to pay the monthly GTCC bill on time.
2. PCS travel duration that exceeds 15 days. If the duration of the PCS travel will exceed
15 days, including leave, compensatory absence, proceed time and TDY in conjunction
with the PCS, the card shall not be used. This does not apply to Temporary Lodging
Allowance (TLA). Card may be used to cover hotels and meals in conjunction with the
TLA entitlement, but reimbursement claims must be submitted every 15 days to allow for
timely payment of the monthly GTCC bill. In the case of Temporary Lodging Expense
(TLE), card use may be used subject to the 15-day rule addressed above.
3. For both TDY and PCS, card use is optional for meals and incidental expenses (M&IE)
and other miscellaneous reimbursable travel expenses. Cardholders are encouraged to