Enclosure (1) to COMDTINST 4600.14B
j. Monitors summary service-wide GTCC usage and delinquencies.
2. MLC GTCC Coordinators: These coordinators assist with oversight of the GTCC
program for all units within their geographic area. The coordinators have the same
access to cardholder account information and administrative rights for managing
individual cardholder accounts as Commandant (CG-102). These coordinators do not
have the authority to submit requests for reinstatement to the GTCC bank.
3. GTCC Coordinators. These are individuals designated to oversee and manage the GTCC
accounts of a specific hierarchy. These individuals are also known as regional GTCC
coordinators because in many cases the hierarchy they manage may encompass numerous
units within a geographic area.
a. Process for coordinator designation:
(1) A coordinator must be designated in writing by the Commanding Officer. Copies
of the designation correspondence shall be maintained by the Command and be
made available for review upon request by Commandant (CG-102).
(2) Complete the online coordinator training. Online coordinator training can be
found on the PSC website; see paragraph A.11 of this enclosure.
(3) After coordinator training has been completed, complete the appropriate GTCC
bank's coordinator designation form. Instructions for completing the form can be
found on the PSC website; see paragraph A.11 of this enclosure.
(4) Immediately notify Commandant (CG-102) of all coordinator
b. Coordinator responsibilities:
(1) Responsible for the daily operations of the GTCC program for individuals
assigned to the hierarchy.
(2) Use all available tools provided by the Coast Guard and the GTCC bank to
monitor GTCC usage, account status and identify inappropriate changes. The
GTCC bank provides numerous reports and report building capabilities to assist in
monitoring GTCC usage and account status. Familiarization with and use of
these tools is essential in monitoring the program. The PSC website contains
numerous links to the GTCC banks available tools.
(3) Immediately advise Commanding Officers of any appearance of GTCC
(4) Provide assistance to Commanding Officers on any requests concerning a
cardholder's GTCC usage.