Enclosure (1) to COMDTINST 4600.14B
(5) Process applications for new GTCC accounts. Ensure that the application is
accurate and complete; the applicant's Coast Guard Employee ID number must
included in the field titled "Discretionary Code 3". Process only those
applications that have a completed Government GTCC Program
Recommendation/Acceptance Statement attached. After the application has been
submitted to the GTCC bank, ensure the application and Government Travel
Charge Card Program Recommendation/Acceptance Statement is filed in the
member's personnel file.
(6) Prepare and submit GTCC maintenance forms to change a cardholder's hierarchy.
The coordinator at the departing hierarchy must submit these maintenance forms.
Coordinators shall contact Commandant (CG-102) regarding a process for mass
transfer of accounts from one hierarchy to another.
(7) Lower and raise credit limits as required. Contact the GTCC bank for instructions
on temporarily increasing credit limits of all the GTCCs within a specific
(8) Review and endorse requests for GTCC reinstatement. Before endorsing the
request an inquiry shall be made to the GTCC bank to ascertain if the requesting
individual's previous balance has been paid in full and ascertain if the individual
is in fact eligible to be considered for reinstatement.
(9) Complete the coordinator training at least every three years and notify
Commandant (CG-102) of completion. Access the PSC website,
"Government Travel charge Card Program Information Page" option. This page
provides a web link to the GSA GTCC coordinator online training.
(10) Upon notification of a person departing the Coast Guard, immediately notify the
GTCC bank to permanently close the account and reduce the credit and cash
limits to zero.
(11) Ensure that an account is permanently closed for any cardholder that is found to
have abused/misused their GTCC. Additionally, contact the GTCC bank and
have a permanent note added to the account indicating the account was closed
due to abuse/misuse and reinstatement is not authorized.
4. Commanding Officers and Supervisors: Have the responsibility for managing the
conduct of members and employees using GTCCs in their Chain of Command.
Commanding Officers and Supervisors shall:
a. Ensure individuals are using the GTCC in accordance with the policies and
procedures published by the Coast Guard and the GTCC bank.