ENCL. (2) TO COMDTINST 7220.39
The CG-5576 should be completed as follows for members issued
flight orders who are required to meet monthly flight time
requirements (see enclosure (6) for examples of completed
Personnel Identification. Fill in the member's name,
rank/rate, and the last four digits of the member's SSN at the
top of the form.
"Month" column. In the top block, enter the month
and year in which the member's flight orders become effective.
Each succeeding month that the member remains on flight
orders should be entered in the next block in the column.
Example: "AUG 94" for first month and "SEP 94"
for second month.
"Actual Flt Hrs" column. Add up the number of flight
hours the member earned and enter this figure to the nearest
tenth of an hour in this block. If the member is issued crew
member flight orders, only hours flown as a crew member may
be included in this total. If the member is issued noncrew
member flight orders, only hours flown as a noncrew member
may be included in this total. Example: 6.7 flight
hours would be entered as "6.7".
"Credited Flt Hrs" column. Paragraph 6.b.(4)(a) applies
to all members on flight orders who are required to meet
minimum flight time requirements to become entitled to HDIP
or monthly ACIP. Only members whose flight orders cover
more than one calendar month may use the "bank" time and
"grace" period rules to credit excess flight hours from
previous or future months to months in which the minimum
required flight hours were not earned. Paragraphs 6.b.(4)(b)
and 6.b.(4)(c) below apply only to aviators and flight
surgeons entitled to monthly ACIP and other members on
continuous flight orders.
If the number of hours entered in the adjacent "Actual
Flt Hrs" block equals or exceeds 4.0 hours (or the
appropriate fraction of 4.0 hours for the fraction of
the month the member was under flight orders (see
enclosure (5)), enter "4.0" (or the appropriate fraction
4.0 from enclosure (5)) in this block. If the member
is issued periodic flight orders and the member's actual
flight hours total is less than 4.0 hours (or the
appropriate fraction of 4.0 from enclosure (5)), enter
"0" in this block. Example: If the member's flight
orders were effective 16 April 1994, the flight orders
were in effect for 15 days that month (16-30 April).
If the member earned at least 2.0 flight hours in
April 1994, enter "2.0" in this block.
If the number of hours entered in the adjacent "Actual
Flt Hrs" block is less than 4.0 hours (or the appropriate
fraction of 4.0 from enclosure (5)), add flight hours
from the "banked" flight hours blocks in the same row
(starting with "Month 5" and working back towards
"Month 1") until the total equals 4.0 (or the appropriate
fraction of 4.0 from enclosure (5)) and enter "4.0" (or
the appropriate fraction of 4.0 from enclosure (5)) in
this block. Example: 1.3 actual flight hours from
June 1994 plus 2.7 "banked" flight hours from March 1994
equals 4.0 flight hours credited for June 1994.