ENCL. (2) TO COMDTINST 7220.39
Tracking individual flight time.
For all units assigned personnel issued flight orders.
Members issued continuous crew member flight orders and
aviators entitled to monthly ACIP will receive HDIP or
monthly ACIP every month that their flight orders are
effective. The unit must promptly notify the unit's
PERSRU of missed months in order for the PERSRU to
commence recoupment action for these members.
Members issued periodic flight orders will not receive
HDIP for a given month unless the unit notifies the
unit's PERSRU that these members have earned HDIP for
that month.
Members issued flight orders whose flying status has
been suspended may not be paid HDIP or ACIP while the
suspension is in effect.
Officers issued flight orders who become disqualified
for aviation service may not be paid ACIP for any
period of disqualification.
For units with the Aviation Maintenance Management
Information System (AMMIS).
AMMIS is an automated tracking system provided to Coast
Guard units to which Coast Guard aircraft are assigned.
AMMIS automatically tracks individual flight time for
members assigned to these units. AMMIS data entry
personnel must ensure that the following information
is accurately entered into the AMMIS program to
ensure that AMMIS accurately identifies those members
on flight orders who have failed to earn HDIP or
monthly ACIP:
Member's rank/rate, name, and last four digits of
the member's Social Security Number (SSN).
Dates member's flight orders commenced and
Date of flight, time flight commenced, and time
flight ended for each flight in which the member
participated as a crew member or noncrew member
in accordance with the member's flight orders.
Consult the AMMIS End Users' Manual or the built-in
"HELP" function of the AMMIS program for other AMMIS
data entry requirements.
At the end of each month, the unit Aviation Incentive
Pay Administrator will obtain "Flight Pay Reports" from
the AMMIS flight operations module screen 443600 series
listing those members on flight orders assigned to the
unit that failed to earn HDIP or monthly ACIP for that
month and/or earlier months. The unit Aviation
Incentive Pay Administrator will also review the status
of aviation personnel flight order termination dates,
flying status suspensions and aviation service
disqualifications. The command will notify the unit's
PERSRU in writing of the required pay actions.