Enclosure (1) to COMDTINST 4600.14B
authorization by their CO or Supervisor. Authorization will be by endorsement on the
"Government Travel Charge Card Program Recommendation/Acceptance Statement."
2. Reservists who perform TDY travel (under TDY travel orders) while on active duty shall
obtain a card. This does not include normal travel for annual two-week active duty.
Inactive duty reservists may obtain a card for the sole purpose of procuring transportation
tickets from home to monthly meeting sites (if more than 100 miles away and are on the
CO's authorized list). This does not include any other transportation expenses that may
be incurred. While this travel is not reimbursable, procuring tickets with the GTCC will
allow these reservists to avail themselves of the GSA City-Pair rates, which are usually
cheaper with no restrictions and are fully refundable.
3. Non Coast Guard government personnel assigned to the Coast Guard for a consecutive
period greater than six months may be issued a GTCC if it is anticipated the individual
will travel under Coast Guard issued travel orders more than five times during their
assignment. These individuals are subject to the GTCC policies and procedures of the
Coast Guard and GTCC bank.
4. Cadets and Officer Candidates may be issued a GTCC using the same criteria contained
in paragraph B.1 of this enclosure.
5. Recruits in receipt of Outside Continental United States (OCONUS) permanent change of
station orders may be issued a GTCC. See paragraph C.3 for credit limit authorization.
Recruits in receipt of Continental United States (CONUS) permanent change of station
orders are not authorized a GTCC.
6. Auxiliarists and contractor personnel are not authorized GTCCs since they are not
classified as government employees.
C. GTCC Credit and Cash Withdrawal Limits.
1. The standard maximum credit limit for GTCCs is ,500. Exceptions to the standard
limit are outlined below. Credit limits will not be increased for the sole purpose of
providing additional credit required due to non-payment of a GTCC statement.
a. GTCC coordinators are authorized to raise credit limits to ,999. GTCC
coordinators shall use sound fiscal judgment in determining the amount the credit
limit will be increased. Credit limits can be temporarily increased in order to meet
anticipated travel expenses or permanently increased in order to meet continuing
anticipated travel expenses that will exceed the standard ,500 credit limit.
Approval by the cardholder's CO is required.
b. Requests for credit limits greater than ,999 shall be submitted electronically to
Commandant (CG-102). The cardholder must originate the request and submit the
request through their CO and GTCC coordinator. The GTCC coordinator shall
forward the request to Commandant (CG-102).