Enclosure (3) to COMDTINST 4600.14B
19. End of Week Processing. On the last working day of each week, without exception, the
required documents identified in paragraph 16.c. of this Enclosure must be forwarded to
FINCEN. Send to the address identified below. It is critical that FINCEN receive these
documents in a timely manner to ensure that the monthly Citibank billings can be
reconciled and paid promptly and travel advance records established. A CG
Memorandum must be used as a transmittal letter. The transmittal letter must be
formatted as follows:
a. To: USCG Finance Center, Travelers Check Subsidiary, PO Box 4113, Chesapeake,
VA 23327-4113
b. From: Complete unit name and address.
c. Subject: American Express Travelers Checks.
d. Note in text: In accordance with current Coast Guard policy, enclosed are documents
for travelers check CBA account number (include only the last 6-digits of the
Citibank account number).
e. Note in text: The following information is provided for verification:
f. Total number of advances forwarded per SF-1038 count.
g. Total amount of advances forwarded per SF-1038. This total must agree with the
total indicated in the below paragraph h total.
h. Total amount of travelers checks issued per total receipts. This total must agree with
the total indicated in the above paragraph g total.
i. Transactions period beginning and ending dates. The date period cannot expand
more than 5 consecutive workdays.
j. Submit original memorandum with documents to FINCEN, do not send an advance
copy. Retain a copy in your travelers check agent files with copies of all documents.