Enclosure (1) to COMDTINST 5400.20A
3. In addition to providing information to individuals and units within their AOR, Work-
Life staffs will be responsible for providing information to employees ordered into
the staff's AOR. The information will be provided by sending the employee the most
up-to-date regional and unit information using electronic web-based applications or
paper copy documents. The information will be forwarded as soon as the staff is
notified that the employee and their family member(s) are transferring into the AOR.
The Work-Life staff shall maintain a close liaison with the appropriate Command
Staff Advisor of the Civilian Personnel Office to ensure that the staff is provided
copies of orders and notification of new civilian employees as soon as practical.
Transition/Relocation Managers on the Work-Life staffs, through their access to the
airport terminal in Direct Access, can assist in identifying incoming personnel.
201 Headquarters Program Oversight
The Office of Work-Life (G-WKW) is responsible for comprehensive oversight of all
Work-Life staff elements and the setting of Coast Guard policy and procedures.
Additionally, G-WKW is responsible for the acquisition of new resources at the
program level (such as additional billets and funding) and the distribution of
resources within the Work-Life programs. Billets within the Work-Life program
shall not be reprogrammed without the written approval of the Work-Life Office at
Coast Guard Headquarters. Finally, with no Maintenance and Logistics Command
Work-Life staff, the Headquarters Staff provides direct technical support and advice
to program specials and maintains the central registry of special needs and family
advocacy cases.
205 Duties in Smaller Staffs
The guidance contained in this manual is written as though the staff is a full nine-
member staff with an emphasis on individual roles. Smaller staffs, together with
other command elements, shall provide the same functions but may have different
people filling specific roles. Care should be taken when combining duties and
assigning collateral duties to the Work-Life staff since several programs, like Family
Advocacy and Transitional Assistance, are mandated by congress and workload must
be distributed to ensure these programs are properly supported. Compensation time
should be provided to specialists that, due to mission priorities, work beyond their
normal work schedule.
210 Work-Life Supervisor
1. Basic Function: The Work-Life Supervisor is the primary representative for all
Work-Life initiatives within the designated AOR. Working with unit commands, the
Work-Life Supervisor will coordinate all issues addressed by the staff.
2. Duties, Responsibilities and Authority: Under the general direction and supervision
of the ISC/HSC Commanding Officer or Executive Officer, the Work-Life
Supervisor shall be responsible for: