Enclosure (1) to COMDTINST 5400.20A
3. Additional Resources:
a. Reservists, Auxiliarists, Medical Clinics, other Work-Life staffs, and the
Employee Assistance Program contractor are resources that should be considered
when attempting to expand capability due to prolonged or unexpected stress-
producing events. Critical Incident Stress Intervention Support (CRISIS)
contingency plans should include this broad range of resources and their
b. Chaplains, Command Master Chiefs (CMC), Ombudsmen, and spouses' clubs
have extensive formal and informal communication networks. The value of these
resources and their networks cannot be overemphasized. Communications are
basic to implementing effective Work-Life policies and programs. The Work-
Life Supervisor shall ensure chaplains, CMC's, Ombudsmen, and spouses' clubs
presidents are especially informed of Work-Life initiatives and have easy and
routine access to all Work-Life staff members. These resources can both
disseminate information and assist in identifying where employee and family
needs are unattended.
Chapter II - Staff Organization
200 Basic Organization
1. The Work Life Supervisor shall report directly to the Integrated Support Command/
Headquarters Support Command (ISC/HSC) CO/XO on sensitive Work-Life issues.
All staff members shall be considered to be specialists in their areas of responsibility
and should report directly to the Work-Life Supervisor for administrative matters. In
the absence of the supervisor, the Work-Life Supervisor will ensure an appropriate
civilian or military member within the ISC/Work-Life chain-of-command assumes
the duties and responsibilities of the supervisor. Each staff member will have a basic
understanding of all of the programs covered by the Work-Life staff. Due to the
frequent unit visits that staff personnel will make, all staff members must be able to
provide customers with basic information on all Work-Life programs. In addition,
staff members will maintain open channels of communication with the appropriate
Headquarters Program Managers.
2. To enhance their advocacy role and facilitate the sharing of information necessary to
the success of this program, staff members must be physically co-located and
financially supported as a composite group. Each Work-Life staff will be served by a
1-800 toll free line and also have either voice mail or an answering machine to ensure
that Coast Guard employees and their family members attempting to reach the staff
can leave a message. All telephone calls will be returned as soon as possible,
preferably the same day. The Work-Life office will normally be open Monday -
Friday for at least eight hours so that the staff is accessible to as many employees and
family members as possible. All inquiries will be answered in a timely, professional