Encl (1) to COMDTINST 5230.53
Trial. Use this code to record time actually spent in court, including in
chambers time. Do not use it record trial preparation time, which
should be recorded as either Regular or overtime.
"Timekeeping Cases". As described in paragraph II A.2 and II.B.7 above, it is
acceptable to consolidate related legal matters into a single LAWS-db case so long
as they pertain to the same case category/type and support the same program. These
cases can be opened solely to collect the time spent by individuals in the same
office/division/branch dealing with similar matters.
To illustrate, each legal office could open a LAWS-db case entitled "Direct
Commission Lawyer Recruiting", their and every individual in the office that
one case file. The "Responsible Attorney" would be the person in the office
primarily assigned to do recruiting, the case category/type is "Program
Development/Recruiting", and the program supported is Legal (GAL). NOTE:
One could argue that, because the subject matter is recruiting, Personnel
(GAP) is the program supported, but GAL is preferable since Legal is the
ultimate beneficiary of the DCL program. One could similarly argue that
military justice cases support the Legal Program, but the ultimate beneficiary
of any court-martial is the Personnel Program (GAP).
In the alternative, each individual attorney could open a LAWS-db case on the
same topic. This method of consolidating related matters permits more
accurate individual work load tracking and reporting, but it multiplies the
number of cases to be tracked. Since the Program would collect the same
information either way, the method to be chosen is left to the discretion of the
legal officer/division chief.
Legal Assistance. In addition to the items required for all cases, a "client info"
window is provided for Legal Assistance. Space is provided for a Social Security
Number (SSN), which is not required and should be left blank. It will will be
removed the system in a futre version of LAWS-db. The last name*, first name and
phone number items are for local use. The remaining items--Client type, Sponsor
Status, Rate (will be
Even though provided for local use, this field was made mandatory so that it can be searched on for client conflicts purposes.