Encl (1) to COMDTINST 5230.53
changed to "Rank" in a future version), and Service are needed for legal assistance
work load analysis/program measurement and shall-be completed for all Legal
Assistance cases, which cannot be combined into "consolidated cases". Since legal
assistance is an aspect of work-life, the program code is "GAP".
Military Justice Cases. The LAWS-db was distributed with these Military Justice
Other. Because LAWS-db is a relational database, the Case Type cannot be
modified. Thus, all court-martial cases should entered under the general "charges"
type. The actual court-martial forum, (General, Special, Summary) then should be
recorded in the "disposition" field. If the forum subsequently changes, say from a
general to special court-martial, the "Disposition" then can be changed accordingly.
This configuration provides the flexibility'needed to manage Military Justice Cases.
The Program Code for all Military Justice cases is "GAP".
Other Requirements. As usage of the LAWS-db increases, divisions within the
Office of Chief Counsel may desire to further standardize data collection within
certain case categories/types to facilitate periodic reporting. Examples of areas ripe
for such standardization include Ethics (G-LGL), Field Regulations (G-LRA), and
Environmental Compliance (G-LEL). Division chiefs contemplating standardization
shall work with G-LPD to develop the proposed modifications to the LAWS-db,
which then will be "chopped" through the affected District Legal Offices/MLC
Legal Divisions for input prior to approval.
LAWS-db Administrator. Because the LAWS-db has the capability to store
sensitive information (e.g., procurement information), it has been designated a
"sensitive application" as defined in the Automated Information Systems Security
Manual, COMDTINST M5500.13A. Consequently, each LAWS-db site must have
a LAWS-db Administrator, who shall be designated in writing upon receipt of this
COMDTINST. A copy of the designation letter shall be forwarded to Commandant
(G-LPD). If desired, an alternate also may be designated. The LAWS-db
administrator is responsible for performing the support and security functions
described below and is the point of contact for local LAWS-db users, Headquarters
(G-LPD), and the EECEN hot line. Standard Workstation administrator experience
is not required for this function.