Encl (1) to COMDTINST 5230.53
instance, a new law, regulation or policy increases program work load
(e.g., the recent imposition mandatory ethics training).
In some cases, a program code covers multiple functions. For example,
Enforcement of Laws and Treaties (ELT) includes drug interdiction,
fisheries enforcement, immigration and other activities. At first, this
code may seem overly broad. However, that group of activities is
administered by a single Headquarters program manager, and
represents an important process measure for the Chief Counsel. When
needed, more detailed reporting can be produced by querying case
categories, types, etc.
Picking the correct program code from the list in Figure (1)
occasionally can be somewhat difficult. For instance, it is not
necessarily obvious that military justice cases and Ethics advice
support Personnel (GAP). Reference to the SSIC Manual can be a
help, but occasionally only common sense and experience will provide
the answer.
Unit (and District). The LAWS-db software requires collection of the "Unit"
supported for every case, and entering the unit causes the computer to auto-
generate the appropriate.ATU number for the district, MLC, etc. to which the
unit is assigned. Although currently required, since the Chief Counsel's focus
is at the program rather than the unit level, these items will be made optional in
a future version of the LAWS-db.
Because every Coast Guard unit is available in the database, legal
offices may desire to collect information broken down by unit even
though this is not required. This would enable the office to determine
its work load by unit and adjust support as necessary to meet that need.
It also would permit the office to report the level of support to its unit
customers. However, as noted in paragraph II.A.2 above, legal offices
may find it less burdensome to collect information in "consolidated
cases," especially with regard to "oral advice." This is acceptable, so
long as each consolidated case supports only one program.
To illustrate, a district legal staff may desire to open an oral advice case