Encl (1) to COMDTINST 5230.53
This is important because it permits the program to justify requests for
additional resources with particularity. For instance, if an office has two fully
employed clerical support personnel yet 'the attorneys spend an additional
work year performing support functions, that office has a legitimate claim for
an additional support person.
The type of time must be indicated. There are six types of time included in the
LAWS-db: Mtg, Ovr, Reg, Res, Tvl, and Tri, which stand for Meeting,
Overtime, Regular, Reserve, Travel, and Trial.
Meeting. Use this code to record time spent preparing for (i.e.,
reviewing "read ahead" packages) and attending meetings (e.g., staff
meetings, QMB meetings, etc.).
Overtime. Use this code to record time spent outside your normal
working hours doing office work, whether done at the office, at home,
or on the road.
Regular. Use this code to record time for work done during your
normal work day.
Reserve. This code is intended to help the Program track the number
of work years devoted to the program by reservists, Coast Guard and
DOD. Only reservists (IDT, ADT, TEMAC, not reserve officers on
active duty) should use this code, and all reserve time (even meeting
and travel time) should be entered as "Res".
Travel. Use this code only to record actual travel time. The best way to
determine what time to count is to think of a travel claim. Count the
time from initial departure until you would enter the "TD" code on the
claim form. Then count the time from departure from the TD location
until you would enter the "MC" code. DO NOT count time spent at the
motel or other accommodation as travel time! Work done at the place
of accommodation is either Regular or Overtime. DO count any time
spent doing work while on a commercial Carrier traveling to or from a
mission as both travel and Regular, Reserve, or Overtime, as
appropriate. Yes, this is double counting, but travel time is collected
primarily to determine the amount of time spent on the road, not work