Encl (1) to COMDTINST 5230.53
information in consolidated cases, so long as each such case only supports one
particular Coast Guard program. Nevertheless, legal officers and individual
attorneys may wish to go beyond this requirement to meet local needs.
Mandatory Entries. In addition to the requirement to keep time, discussed below,
there are only ten required entries in the LAWS-db: Case Category, Case Type,
Case Number, Case Title, Date Received, Responsible Attorney, Program Code,
District, Unit, and Case Priority. Of these, three are auto-generated by the computer
(Date Received, District and Case Number), and four are "defaults"; that is, the
computer assumes certain answers based on your user profile or the.last case
accessed (Case Category, Case Type, Responsible Attorney, and Case Priority).
Only three--Case Title, Unit and Program Code--require free form entry in every
instance. (Of course, all items except the case number can be modified when a case
is created.) Policy regarding each of these required entries, plus timekeeping,
Case Categories/Types. The LAWS-db case categories and types are
standardized to permit consistent data reporting by all legal offices and
divisions. Case categories conform to the broad. fields of law practiced in the
Coast Guard. These categories are further divided into case types, which
permit the program and legal offices to more accurately track the nature of the
work load. Additional case types can be created, as necessary; however, this
function is reserved to G-LPD to maintain consistency. NOTE: Each LAWS-
db case supports only one case category/type. Mixed case categories or types
cannot be combined in a single LAWS-db case.
Case Number. The case number is automatically generated by the computer.