Enclosure (1) to COMDTINST 4600.14B
A. General.
1. Commandant (CG-102) has overall program management responsibility for the Coast
Guard GTCC program.
2. The GTCC will be used by all non-exempt personnel for all non-exempt temporary duty
(TDY) travel and may be used by military personnel for permanent change of station
(PCS) travel expenses including transportation tickets, lodging, rental cars, and meals
(when possible), Temporary Lodging Expense (TLE) and Temporary Lodging Allowance
(TLA). Commanding Officers (CO) and supervisors are expected to fully support the
GTCC program and adhere to the established policies.
3. When GTCC use for a particular trip would severely inconvenience the traveler, put the
traveler in danger, compromise national security or create an unreasonable expense for
the Government, the traveler's CO or supervisor may grant an exemption to GTCC
usage. The command exemption must be stated on the travel orders.
4. The GTCC is issued with the express intent of providing personnel with a mechanism to
pay for travel expenses associated with official government orders TDY and/or military
PCS. Use of the GTCC for an expense that is not directly associated with official
Government travel in accordance with the JFTR/FTR is considered abuse/misuse.
Government Travel Charge Card (GTCC) Program, COMDTINST 4600.14B specifically
addresses abuse/misuse of the GTCC. All CO's and supervisors are expected to handle
any abuse/misuse incidents with due diligence.
5. GTCC statements are payable in full upon receipt. A GTCC balance that reaches 61 days
past due is classified as delinquent. Delinquency falls within the definition of
6. Direct Access (DA) contains GTCC information that is updated on a regular basis. The
information is accessible to individual cardholders and specific command individuals.
The information in DA is sufficient for commands to properly monitor individual GTCC
usage and statement payments. DA functionality can be found on the Personnel Service
Center (PSC) website, http://www.uscg.mil/hq/psc/.
7. Individuals not required to use the GTCC and individuals who have lost their GTCC
privileges shall use the centrally billed government travel account (CBA) for obtaining
common carrier transportation tickets (air, rail, bus, or ship). A travel advance shall be
requested in order to support other anticipated travel expenses. This policy does not
apply to individuals who are required to have a GTCC, but refuse to obtain a GTCC.
8. GTCCs issued in accordance with this Instruction are classified as restricted cards in that
usage and credit limits are restricted to the policies and procedures of this Instruction.