SEHO will be consulted to determine if the identified change in condition could result in
an elevation (or reduction) in the health threat to occupants.
b. Re-assessments, conducted as part of an abatement project, will be conducted by a third
party licensed EPA Lead Risk Assessor, Asbestos Inspector/Management Planner, and/or
qualified radon service professional.
c. MLC (p) and (kse) shall review the Housing ERA database to ensure visual inspections
are performed annually by AHOs, LHOs, or OHMCs to determine if there are changes in
condition to identified hazards. Identified changes in condition will be brought to the
attention of the responsible Civil Engineering Unit (CEU), and as needed, MLC (kse).
d. For asbestos, each visual re-assessment shall be documented by the OHMC in the O&M
plan in accordance with reference (b) and annotated in the Housing ERA database.
e. MLC (kse) will provide technical guidance and support to AHOs/LHOs where there are