If needed, initiate SSMRs for Major and Action Level findings as soon as
immediate response actions are required.
Work with their AHO, CEU, MLC (kse) and MLC detached SEHO to implement
long term plans for the management of lead, asbestos and radon hazards.
Consult with their CEU to ensure that appropriate and timely corrective measures
are implemented to abate any identified hazards.
on a health hazard priority basis. Prioritization within these categories of findings
are needed to ensure imminent hazards are eliminated in a timely fashion and
recommended follow-up activities, such as blood lead testing of children, is
conducted without delay.
Ensure that residents of Coast Guard controlled housing and those who utilize
CDCs are kept informed of efforts to identify, assess and correct any identified
asbestos, lead or radon hazards.
Work with their AHO, District Planner, MLC(s) and CEU to ensure that unit
housing, identified as meeting Major or Action Level finding conditions, are
assigned the proper priority for correction and, where appropriate, are included on
the unit's engineering backlog.
16. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT CONSIDERATIONS: The development and promulgation
of this Instruction has been thoroughly reviewed by the Coast Guard and it has been
determined to be categorically excluded from further environmental documentation, in
accordance with Categorical Exclusions #1 and #33, Figure 2-1 of the National
Environmental Policy Act Implementing Procedures and Policy for Considering
Environmental Impacts, COMDTINST M16475.1D, as amended by the notice of final
agency policy set forth in the Federal Register, Vol. 67, No. 141, pp. 48243-48246 (July 23,