Monitoring Level
Action Level
Major Finding
Asbestos Containing Material
ACM or PACM that score fair
ACM in poor (significantly
(ACM) and Presumed Asbestos
(damage) or have moderate potential
damaged) condition or has a high
Containing Material (PACM),
for damage, as in category 5 & 6
potential for significant damage, as
which are intact and have a low
using ref. (a) hazard assessment
in category 1-4 using ref. (a)
potential for disturbance, as in
guidelines and airborne asbestos
hazard assessment guidelines or
category 7 using ref. (a) hazard
concentrations are less than 0.01
airborne asbestos concentrations
assessment guidelines.
fibers per cubic centimeter (f/cc).
are greater than 0.01 f/cc.
Lead In Paint:
Monitoring Level
Action Level
Major Finding
Interior or exterior paint has a lead
Interior or exterior paint has a lead
Interior or exterior paint has a lead
content greater than or equal to:
content greater than or equal to: (a)
content greater than or equal to:
(a) 1.0 milligram per centimeter
1.0 mg/cm2 or (b) 0.5% by weight;
(a) 1.0 mg/cm2 or (b) 0.5% by
square (1.0 mg/cm2) or (b) 0.5%
and the paint surface is in fair or poor
weight; and the paint surface is in
by weight; and the entire surface is
condition when assessed using ref.
poor condition when assessed
intact when assessed using ref. (d)
(d) guidelines.
using ref. (d) guidelines; and the
paint is in an area used by a small
child and/or a pregnant woman.
Lead In Dust:
Monitoring Level
Action Level
Major Finding
Normally occupied interior areas
Normally occupied interior areas
Action Level conditions are met
found to contain lead dust:
found to contain lead dust above the
and a small child and/or pregnant
Floors (carpeted and uncarpeted):
monitoring level:
woman use the area.
Less than 40 micrograms per
Floors (carpeted and uncarpeted):
square foot (40 ug/ft2).
Greater than or equal to 40ug/ft2.
Interior Window Sills: Less than
Interior Window Sills: Greater than
or equal to 250ug/ft2.
Window Troughs: Less than 400
Window Troughs: Greater than or
equal to 400 ug/ft2.
Lead in Soil:
Monitoring Level
Action Level
Major Finding
Bare residential soil around
Bare residential soil around building
Bare residential soil around
building perimeters and yards:
perimeters and yards: 1200 5000
building perimeters and yards:
400 1200 ppm.
Greater than 5000 ppm.
Play areas and high-contact areas
Play areas and high contact areas for
Play areas and high contact areas
for children: 100 - 200 ppm.
children: 200 - 400 ppm.
for children: Greater than 400