Instruction, to assess the condition and measure the amount of asbestos-
containing materials (ACM), lead (in paint, dust, soil, and water), or radon
A representative sampling using a statistical number of like houses with the same
components, and/or painting and maintenance history, as specified in references
(a) through (c); or
A comparison of the results obtained against the standards of Section 8 of this
Instruction to determine the level or degree of risk.
i. Interim Controls or Operation and Maintenance (O&M). Temporary measures used to
reduce major findings and action levels to the monitoring level until permanent corrective
action can be taken. Interim controls will not be used for lengths of time greater than
specified in references (b) and (c) or by that which is allowed by national consensus
standards. Interim controls can include paint film stabilization, enclosure, and
encapsulation (in some states). All interim controls for lead will be approved measures
as outlined in references (c) and (d). Asbestos O&M plans are described in reference (a).
All interim controls and O&M measures are monitored and tracked in the Housing ERA
Database (See Section 15.e.3). At a minimum, the interim controls or O&M shall reduce
the risk to the monitoring level.
j. Major Finding. That concentration or physical condition, as described in Section 8 of
this Instruction, which presents a high health risk to occupants and requires immediate
corrective action to reduce the hazard to monitoring level and lower, and must be abated
within one year of identification.
k. Monitoring Level. That concentration or physical condition which at present does not
pose a health risk to humans or require immediate corrective action. The AHO, LHO, or
OHMC must visually assess Monitoring Level findings annually to ensure conditions
have not changed and/or occupants or maintenance workers have not disturbed those
surface areas. Results of the annual visual assessment will be annotated by the OHMC in
l. Operations and maintenance program (O&M). A program of work practices to maintain
friable asbestos containing material (ACM) in good condition, ensure clean-up of
asbestos fibers previously released, and prevent further release by minimizing and
controlling friable ACM disturbance or damage. For further guidance, see reference (a).
m. Small Child. A child under the age of seven.