members, the family shall be removed from the high-risk environment. At a minimum,
any interim controls or O&M measures shall reduce the risk to the monitoring level.
b. Action Level findings present a moderate health risk to Coast Guard members and their
that either manage the hazard in place or abate the hazard. At a minimum, the interim
control measures or O&M shall reduce the risk to the monitoring level. All action level
findings shall be abated within three years of initial identification.
c. Monitoring Level findings shall continue to receive visual re-assessment annually.
d. A Shore Station Maintenance Record (SSMR) shall be initiated by Group Commanders,
Commanding Officers, or Officers-In-Charge for all Major or Action Level findings
requiring abatement, which are above the AFC-30 dollar limit as set forth in reference
(h). The SSMR shall be developed in accordance with reference (i).
e. All asbestos and lead Major or Action Level findings shall be corrected by contractors
licensed to perform asbestos and/or lead work and not by Coast Guard personnel. A
qualified radon service professional shall correct all radon Major or Action Level
findings. No self-help projects that will impact lead-based paint or asbestos-containing
materials shall be authorized. Asbestos abatement work is only authorized for those
situations or locations discussed in reference (b). Unless prohibited by state law,
contracts shall be developed using the philosophy of "manage in place" rather than
removal once the hazard has been reduced to a monitoring level.
children residing in Coast Guard controlled housing or using a CDC, which has a lead
hazard condition (Major or Action Level finding), shall be encouraged to have a blood lead-
screening test performed on the child. Testing will be arranged and costs will be borne by
the Coast Guard. Small children who test at or above the CDC recommended maximum
level of 10 micrograms per deciliter (10 ug/dL) shall be re-evaluated using established
confirmatory testing for lead. If results of confirmatory testing confirms a blood lead level
of 10 ug/dL or higher, and immediate control measures cannot be instituted, the child shall
be removed from the identified source of exposure, (see paragraph 15.d. (1)). The MLC
detached Safety and Environmental Health Officer (SEHO), following references (c), (d)
and (j) guidelines, will initiate an Elevated Blood Lead Level (EBL) investigation. The
child shall be reevaluated using established confirmatory testing.
a. Annual visual re-assessment is required in all housing where lead or asbestos is known to
be present. Re-assessment may be necessary when the AHO, LHO, or OHMC detect a
change in the condition from the initial or baseline ERA or when unapproved work has
been conducted on a known lead or asbestos surface. MLC (kse) and/or MLC detached