c. Commander, Maintenance and Logistics Commands (s), Civil Engineering Units and
Commanding Officers shall:
Ensure that Major finding conditions, which have been identified at Coast Guard
controlled housing and CDCs (for which a SSMR has been submitted), are abated
on a health hazard priority basis. Ensure funding sources are identified and
abatement is completed for Major findings within one year.
Ensure that Action Level conditions, which have been identified at Coast Guard
controlled housing and CDCs (for which a SSMR has been submitted), are
assigned the appropriate priority and funding source for abatement. Ensure
Action Level conditions are abated within three years.
Ensure all appropriate Federal and State regulations and National consensus
standards are properly followed during the disposal of all hazardous waste
resulting from abatement.
Ensure MLC (kse) is provided updated information regarding any proposed
abatement work, completed abatement work, interim controls and any other
relevant work being conducted regarding asbestos, lead and radon in Coast Guard
controlled housing and CDCs.
Ensure any lead and/or asbestos inspection, conducted in connection with a real
property disposal action, be carried out in accordance with the requirements of
reference (k).
d. Commander, Maintenance and Logistics Commands (p) shall:
Coordinate with MLC (kse) and (s) and their cognizant CEUs to ensure that Coast
Guard members and "at risk" family members are removed to temporary quarters
if Major findings at Coast Guard controlled housing cannot receive immediate
corrective action. Coast Guard members with "at risk" family members shall not
With the assistance of MLC (kse) staff, jointly review the Housing ERA database
to ensure visual inspections of Coast Guard controlled housing are being
performed by AHOs, LHOs, and OHMCs.
e. Commander, Integrated Support Commands and HQ Unit Area Housing Authorities
Work with group commanders, unit commanding officers, officers-in-charge,
AHOs, LHOs, and OHMCs to ensure that residents of Coast Guard controlled
housing and CDC staff are aware of: