2. ACTION. Area and District Commanders, Commanders of Maintenance and Logistics
commands, Commanding Officers of headquarters units, Assistant Commandants for
directorates, Chief Counsel and special staff offices at Headquarters shall ensure that the
provisions of this Instruction are followed. Internet release authorized.
3. DIRECTIVES AFFECTED. Asbestos, Lead and Radon in Coast Guard Housing,
COMDTINST 6260.1 is cancelled.
4. BACKGROUND. In 1995, the Commandant developed and initiated a strategy to identify
and evaluate environmental health risks present in Coast Guard ashore living environments.
This included the inspection and risk assessment of Coast Guard living environments to
identify the location and condition of asbestos-containing materials, lead and radon. These
assessments have come to be known as the statistical baseline Environmental Risk
forth in this Instruction, provides a framework for Commanders to successfully implement a
hazard management plan by adopting current environmental laws and national consensus
standards per references (a) through (l).
a. For lead-based paint hazards, the requirements of this instruction apply to Coast Guard
controlled housing and CDCs (see Section 7.d. and 7.e.) constructed prior to 1981. For
asbestos, radon, lead in water or lead in soil hazards, the requirements apply regardless of
the age of the structure.
b. Interstate, state, and local requirements for asbestos, lead or radon, which are more
stringent than the requirements of this Instruction, shall be given precedence. Such
interstate, state and local requirements should be ascertained for each site by checking
with the state and local health departments or departments of environmental protection.
c. This Instruction redefines and establishes roles and responsibilities for the five (5)
program elements: initial risk assessment (baseline) and unit notification; remediation;
annual visual re-assessment; occupant disclosure and documentation; and tracking of
material condition of environmental health hazards.
6. REQUIREMENTS. Trained personnel have assessed the risks posed by asbestos-containing
materials, lead and radon in pre-1981 Coast Guard controlled housing and CDCs. Risks
identified at the major or action finding levels have received, and will continue to receive,
appropriate corrective actions. Risks identified at or above the monitoring level will
continue to receive an annual visual follow-up re-assessment by the Area or Local Housing
Officer (AHO or LHO) and report any changes in condition to their Owned Housing
Maintenance Coordinator (OHMC) for action. Unit Commanders will implement and track
an occupant disclosure system, implement timely control measures, follow-up to verify the
effectiveness of controls and track the current status of the risk.