active duty officer assigned to the active command.
All enlisted administrative personnel (YN & SK) will be integrated into the
active duty administrative support structure, i.e., not to serve as administrators
in a "Reserve Department" of the active unit.
Commandant (G-RST), working with appropriate program managers, will
develop a Career Guide for SELRES Officers.
Administrative Support.
There will be no RPERSRUs or Reserve Management Support Activities
(RMSAs). The active duty PERSRU which services the active command will
also service reservists integrated into the command. A key element to
consider in the plan is the Source Data Automation II (SDAII) software,
scheduled for introduction starting in November 1994.
PERSRUs will be capable of performing DRMIS functions with the
installation of SDAII. All PERSRUS servicing drilling reservists will be
required to submit Unit Attendance Reports (UARs) upon installation of
SDAII. Enclosure (4) is a schedule of the planned installation of SDAII.
Specific sites and time frames will be handled under separate cover by the
SDAII Project Team.
Administrative support of reservists and the scheduling of their training and
work will be performed by the organizational element that provides similar
functions for active duty personnel.
Support assets (initially RPERSRU and stationkeeper billets if not offered as
savings) will be transferred from the Reserve Branch to the organizational
element (district or field) which provides similar support to the active service.
Standard workstations are to be deployed with the billet/function they are
currently assigned to in accordance with the Workstation Allowance List
criteria and requirements coordinated through the district (dr).
Enclosure (3) contains RPERSRU, Administrative Support Staff
responsibilities, and District Reserve Branch functions. Major tasks
associated with personnel and administrative support of a reservist are listed.
Most tasks are identical to the tasks associated with an active duty member.