Guard. The prototypes tested in the Eleventh and Thirteenth Districts show that Team
Coast Guard works. The 1988-1995 PMIS/RPMIS merger, inclusion of Reserve Pay and
information systems infrastructure to successfully implement Team Coast Guard. Many
people for many years have been laying the groundwork, proving the concept, and living
Team Coast Guard. The entire Coast Guard can now formally embrace this reality and
begin the fundamental process of reinventing government.
The Commandant has approved the recommendations of The Reserve Organization Study
Team. These recommendations are listed in paragraph 1 and described in reference (a).
This Instruction provides policy for the development of district plans to implement these
The goal of integration is to dramatically increase augmentation and training while
streamlining administration. The result will be fully trained reservists available for
augmentation and mobilization. Because of the extensive prototyping in some districts,
integration may move at different rates. However, active unit commanders at all levels
must immediately become advocates as much for their reservists as they are for their
active duty personnel.
District commanders in coordination with other Coast Guard commands in their
geographic bounds shall develop plans to integrate their Active and Reserve, field unit
force structures. A summary of proposed billet savings must be submitted by each district
commander by 1 October 1994. These plans are to be submitted to Commandant (G-R) by
1 November 94. Plans must be fully executable by 1 October 95. Commandant (G-R)
will coordinate review of the plans for approval by Commandant (G-CCS).
Recommended formats for district integration plans are contained in Enclosure (2).
District commanders shall also develop recommendations for a structure which integrates
district Readiness and Reserve division functions into other staff elements. These plans
shall be submitted to Commandant (G-R) by 1 October 1994. A consistent district
organization will be approved for implementation during the 1995 assignment season.
District commanders shall identify a reduction in full time support (FTS) billets equivalent
to a minimum of 15% of the Reserve Training (RT) funded billets assigned to the district.