Reserve controlled spaces and personal property, including small boats, will
be transferred via Form DD 1149 to active commands or surveyed (Form DD
5269) for abandonment/destruction. Contact Commandant (G-CFM-3) to
delete Reserve OPFAC from PPA headquarters records. Savings created by
abandoning leased space will be identified in the plan for return to the
Commandant. Boats and property belonging to units which mobilize as
complete entities will retain control of their property (i.e., PSUs and
MARDEZ Units).
The Reserve unit is subordinate to the augmented, active unit and exists for
accounting purposes. Reservists will receive tasking from only one command,
their active duty unit.
District Commanders will propose a RPAL in a two-step process using the
guidance provided in Enclosure (6).
The first step will be to identify the active units where reservists drill and
augment. Attachment (a) in Enclosure (6) is an example of such a listing
of personnel, sorted by reserve unit, with instructions. The actual list for
each district will be delivered by Commandant (G-RST) to each district
(rs) as an E-mail attachment. Edit the file, adding the active unit
information required, and return the edited file as an E-mail attachment
to CWO Dick Bates (r.bates/g-rn02) by 1 November 1994. This process
will facilitate entry of the information into a database which will serve as
a baseline for RPAL development, and enable the measurement of the
contribution of reservists to units and operating programs.
The second step will be to propose an RPAL based on: district units'