will insure that nationwide CPAL (mobilization) requirements are
satisfied. Current maximum billet authorizations for all districts are
contained in Enclosure (7) and will also be addressed in detail in the
forthcoming FY95 Force Management Planning Initiative.
RPAL will be built by G-R using District input, reviewed by the Office of the
Chief of Staff, and approved by the Commandant. After approval and until
the Spring/Summer of 1995, as an interim measure, G-R will manage RPAL
and District Commanders should notify G-R of necessary changes. This will
allow changes to be easily made as RPAL matures. In the Spring/Summer of
1995 RPAL will merge with PAL in the Office of the Chief of Staff. Once the
merger is completed and announced, changes must be requested to
Commandant (G-CPA) in the same manner as changes to the PAL. This will
allow the Chief of Staff to exercise necessary control over Coast Guard
resources. After the PAL-RPAL merger, District Commanders will retain
authority to temporarily relocate RPAL billets assigned to the district office
and district units for periods up to 60 days.
Plan for the integration of Readiness and Reserve Division functions into other
staffs. When planning for the merger of the RPERSRU with active PERSRUs,
and the merger of the Readiness and Reserve Division with other staffs
identify a minimum 15% savings in currently assigned billets.
The RT appropriation will continue to provide support for reservists. As a
result district commanders may identify either RT or OE billet savings. For
example, if the district plan includes establishment of an 0-3 training officer in
the Administration Division and the billet will replace a current W-4, the plan
should show an RT funded 0-3 billet moving to the Administration Division
and the saving of an OE W-4 billet.
IRR members assigned to drilling units will be serviced by the PERSRU that
services the active unit that the members augment. IRR members in the
district 87400 OPFAC are a resource of the district commander. Therefore, the
PERSRU which supports the district staff will have responsibility for the xx-
87400. The commanding officer of the IRR will be assigned from among
officers in the administrative chain of command.
Annual budget requests for tools/equipment/supplies necessary to support
RPAL billets will be made by the