10 JAN 1991
One or more other representatives chosen by the QMB to reflect the
customers' interests in the process under study.
Quality Action Team (OAT). The Quality Action Team is a small (3-7) group of
people brought together to address just one issue. The QMB charters the QAT.
The members of the QAT are those who know the process under consideration
from the "hands on" level. The team has a beginning and an end. The QMB
fully supports the team with training, meeting facilities, and facilitator support.
The QMB provides time for the QAT away from their "normal" jobs to meet and
to do the work of the QAT. The team is not a decision-making body. It works
to understand a process, gather and analyze data, determine facts and
recommend process improvements. Approving and acting on the
recommendations are management responsibilities that reside with the respective
QMB. Team membership is not voluntary -- quality improvement is part of
everyone's job.
TQM Coordinator (TQMC). Person or group of people who arrange, organize
and facilitate ESC and QMB meetings. The TQM Coordinator tracks QAT