Enclosure (3) to COMDTINST 4600.14B
a. There is a bona-fide need for the increased amount.
b. The safekeeping facility/container requirements are met. This applies to permanent
and temporary increases.
c. That the command's internal control structure provides a reasonable assurance that
Coast Guard and unit policies/procedures and related objectives will be achieved.
7. Unauthorized Absence of a Primary Travelers Check Agent or an Alternate Who
Separately Holds Travelers Checks. If there is an unauthorized absence of the travelers
check agent, the Command must take the following actions:
a. Immediately notify Commandant (CG-102) of the absence.
b. Appoint a board of four individuals, which must consist of three individuals
independent of the travelers check program and one individual currently designated
as a primary travelers check agent or alternate travelers check agent. If there is no
primary or alternate agent present, the Commanding Officer shall immediately
designate a primary agent who will then serve as the fourth member of the audit team.
The team will be responsible for providing a full accounting of the absent agent's
travelers check records and holdings and transfer of the same to the primary agent if
present, or alternate agent if the primary is absent or newly designated primary in
cases where both the primary and alternate are absent.
c. The designated travelers check agent member of the board must obtain an inventory
produced from the American Express, ExpressPass program. If the travelers check
agent is unable to produce a copy of the inventory, the board shall contact
Commandant (CG-102) to obtain a copy.
d. Cause the agent's safe to be opened in the presence of the board.
e. The three board members that are independent of the travelers check program shall
conduct a complete audit following the procedures contained in Section 5 of this
enclosure. This shall be performed in the presence of the fourth board member who
is a designated travelers check agent. An explanation of the circumstances of the
audit must be included in the audit report. All three members of the board must sign
the audit report.
f. If the travelers checks entrusted to the absent agent are found to be intact, the
command may transfer the checks to the member of the board who is a designated
primary or alternate travelers check agent. The senior member of the board will act
as the transferring agent.
g. The Command must provide a written report to Commandant (CG-102) of the
findings of the board and actions taken with respect to travelers check agent