Enclosure (2) COMDTINST 1750.4D
Ombudsman Program Advisory Committee (OPAC)
In carrying out the management of the Ombudsman Program, a command Ombudsman
may request the establishment of an Ombudsman Program Advisory Committee (OPAC),
as it deems desirable and necessary to address identified family readiness issues
throughout local commands within their area of responsibility (AOR). The committee
will function as a network to address specific family readiness issues, support
Ombudsman training, and provide outreach to newly appointed Ombudsman. In
addition, the committee will serve to promote the Ombudsman program throughout the
Coast Guard. The command Ombudsman taking the leadership position for the advisory
committee shall obtain written approval by their local command and forward approval to
the Ombudsman program supervisor at the Integrated Support Command (ISC) and
Headquarters Support Command (HSC). The establishment of such advisory committee
must be in direct support of Ombudsman program and family readiness issues.
1. Sponsorship: commanding officers are encouraged to sponsor Ombudsman program
advisory committees to address networking of the Ombudsman program and to
address specific family readiness issues affecting the command. A Command
Ombudsman will present the request to establish an OPAC for the sponsoring
commanding officers' review and approval. The commanding officer will sign the
request to sponsor the committee and forward a copy to the serving ISC or HSC
Ombudsman coordinator with the quarterly report.
2. Membership: membership is open to all appointed command Ombudsmen within the
area of responsibility. The committee will be composed Ombudsmen throughout the
local area of responsibility with extended invitation for participation to other team
Coast Guard members, for example, active duty, reserve, auxiliary, retirees and
civilians in support of family readiness including total Coast Guard representation, for
example, sector, district, ISC, HSC or any established Coast Guard command with an
appointed Ombudsman or considering the appointment of an Ombudsman. Attendees
of the advisory committee not appointed as a command Ombudsman are considered
on an extended invitation to the committee.
3. Funding: reimbursement of expenses in the performance of Ombudsman duties
relating to the committee, to the extent authorized by law, will be incurred by the
local command the ombudsman is representing. Committee attendees shall have a
current appointment letter as a command Ombudsman; have written approval from
their appointing commanding officer for meeting attendance and have written
approval for reimbursable expenses relating to each committee meeting attended.
Attendees not appointed as command Ombudsman and without direct approval of
their commanding officer are considered guest by extended invitation and are not
authorized reimbursement for Ombudsman committee related expenses under the
Ombudsman program. Military or civilian personnel providing support that result in
travel or other authorized reimbursements shall seek approval from their command.
If additional funding assistance is needed, coordinate these funding efforts through
the ISC or HSC Ombudsman supervisor. The supervisor shall offer guidance in