Enclosure (1) to COMDINST 1750.4D
is to cover a wide range of subjects that are integrated to prepare the ombudsman to begin
work for the command immediately. The briefing has been intentionally developed with the
flexibility that each local command can input their specific goals for the program; however
specific guidance is given to ensure standard program content is covered with each
ombudsman throughout the Coast Guard. Commanding officers shall attach a copy of the
completed initial command briefing, along with the appointment letter and forward to the
intergrated support command ombudsman supervisor so the ombudsman can be officially
processed and placed on the intergrated support command master roster.
7. Administrative files. Commanding officers following guidance of these procedures shall
complete the appointing process using the initial command briefing checklist and the
administrative file checklist; this will create a number of documents to be filed in an
administrative file and maintained by the commanding officer as long as the ombudsman is
assigned to the program. These procedures include the enclosures of the following
documents: application to volunteer as a Coast Guard Ombudsman, ombudsman reference
verification sheet, volunteer agreement, ombudsman initial command briefing checklist,
ombudsman administrative file checklist, ombudsman service hours.