Enclosure (2) COMDTINST 1750.4D
Ombudsman Advisory Committee Establishment Procedures
1. Develop a proposed name of the Ombudsman Advisory Committee.
2. Provide the name, address and contact numbers for the appointed command
Ombudsman volunteering to be the lead for the committee, include name,
Ombudsman contact number, mailing address, e-mail.
3. Collect the name and addresses of other potential committee members with an
expressed interest in starting an Ombudsman program advisory committee for this
area; include name, Ombudsman contact number, mailing address, e-mail.
4. List identified family related issues the committee will address? Limit issues to three,
and list by priority of which issues should be addressed first.
5. If proposed solutions to any of the issues have been identified list the proposed
solution. This is not required if no proposed solution has been discussed at this point.
6. Provide the name, address and contact number of the servicing Intergrated Support
Command (ISC) or Headquarters Support Command Ombudsman (HSC) coordinator.
7. Schedule an appointment with the commanding officer to discuss goals of the
committee, compile the commanding officer's list of family issues, if any, and
explain a written request for the establishment of an Ombudsman advisory committee
will be forwarded to the commanding officer.
8. Request written approval from the sponsoring commanding officer with each area
address in these procedures for the establishment of the Ombudsman advisory
committee. Obtain written approve from the commanding officer.
9. Request approval from the intergrated support command. After approval by the
commanding officer a copy of the written approval shall be forwarded to the ISC or
HSC ombudsman program supervisor for approval. The ISC or HSC ombudsman
program supervisor will review the request and coordinate local commands
establishment of Ombudsman advisory committees to be must cost effective for the
Coast Guard.
10. Submit a copy of the approval for establishment of the Ombudsman advisory
committee with quarterly reporting.