Encl (1) to COMDTINST 1650.2B
4. Underway exercises. Underway exercises will be conducted on all inspected platforms. Individual scores
will be generated per boat type. Points for underway exercises will be determined by the percentage of
underway exercises with passing scores (met established drill standards). For example, 9 of 10 drills
passed = 90% = 8 points, 13 of 16 drills passed = 81% = 6 points, etc. All drills (core and optional) will
be included in the final score. For units with multiple type platforms, the final percentages for each
platform will be averaged creating one final percentage that will be scored for points.
96 -100% = 10
91 - 95% = 9
86 - 90% = 8
81 - 85% = 6
76 - 80% = 3
71 - 75% = 2
65 - 70% = 1
NOTE: At a minimum, all certified personnel will perform at least one of the core exercises at their
highest level of certification. If time permits, additional exercises will be completed.
5. Personal Protective Equipment. Points in this category will be assigned based on overall compliance with
reference (b). The following scoring system will be applied:
In Compliance = 1 pt
In Compliance = 2 pt
In Compliance = 3 pts
Material Condition:
In Compliance = 4 pts
6. Training Program Evaluation. Points in this category will be assigned based on overall compliance with
reference (a). The following scoring system will be applied:
Program (administration):
In Compliance = 2 pts
Training Records:
In Compliance = 3 pts
In Compliance = 5 pts
7. Examples.
Station A: (one inspected boat)
Boat's Initial Evaluation:
Material Condition:
13 points
Written Test:
4 points
Underway Exercise:
9 points
9 points
10 points
Total unit score:
45 points
This unit qualifies for the Sumner I. Kimball Award. Inspected boat's initial assessment was "Bravo" and
minimum point requirement was achieved.