Encl (1) to COMDTINST 1650.2B
b. Units shall continue to clear all disabling and restrictive discrepancies during
the STANTEAM visit.
c. Units with multiple standard platforms shall average the arrival scores of each (both ready and stand-
by boats) and divide by the number of boats to obtain unit points toward materiel condition score.
For example: Station X has one 47' MLB and one 25' RB-S. The material condition score for the
MLB was 15 points while the RB-S was 13 points. The two scores will be averaged for the final
Platform Material Condition score (in this case 14 points). If the average contains a decimal, the
number will be rounded up if 0.5 or greater (Boat One = 14 points, Boat Two = 11 points, Average =
12.5, Points toward award = 13).
NOTE: STAN Teams will inspect all standard boats that are berthed at units. Maintenance relief hulls
will be included in the assessment for purposes of this award, unless they are deployed as a relief boat or
undergoing major maintenance availability.
3. Knowledge based written tests. Tests are administered to all boat crew personnel (coxswain, engineer and
crewmembers). However, only the test scores for certified crewmembers will be used to establish unit
scores. For the purpose of this award, the average of all certified crew positions will be used in
determining the point value (i.e., coxswain average 90.4% + engineer average 85.5% + crew average
80.6% / 3 = 85.5% = 4 points.). Overall unit average of .5 or greater will be rounded up to the next whole
Overall Unit Average = Point Scale
90 -100% = 5
80 - 89% = 4
70 - 79% = 2
60 - 69% = 1
< 60%
NOTE: Unit personnel will take exams for each platform/position they are certified. These exams will
count towards unit's final average. Personnel may also take those exams that apply to positions they
are currently in the process of qualifying on for evaluation. (i.e., member is a certified coxswain on the
RB-S, certified crew member on the UTB, and break-in coxswain on the UTB. Member will take
coxswain test for the RB-S and crew member test for the UTB for score. Member may take the
coxswain test for the UTB for unit evaluation purposes only).