Encl (1) to COMDTINST 1650.2B
1. Award eligibility. The maximum score under this scoring system is 50 points. All units with RB-HS/Ss,
UTBs, MLBs, or BUSLs attached that achieve a point total of 45 or greater during a STANTEAM
assessment for a particular platform or a combination of platforms will be recognized through this award
a. Pooled Stations small (seasonal) will be scored with the parent station.
b. Units must meet the minimum readiness requirements as outlined in the U. S. Coast Guard Boat
Operations and Training (BOAT) Manual Volume I, COMDTINST M16114.32 (series). The unit's
ready platform(s) must receive either a "Bravo" or "Bravo Restricted" assessment upon arrival to be
considered for this award.
Units that have a single standard boat attached will have that platform's initial assessment
(BRAVO, BRAVO- RESTRICTED or CHARLIE) used to determine Kimball Award eligibility.
Units that have multiple standard boats (either same or different type) shall have that/those
platform(s) currently filling the role of "ready boat(s)" initial assessment(s) used to determine
Kimball Award eligibility. EXAMPLE: Unit has a two-boat readiness requirement the day of the
STAN visit. Unit has four standard boats attached. Upon arrival of the STAN Team, unit will
designate which of the two platforms out of the four available are considered their ready boats.
These two boat's initial assessments will be used to determine Kimball Award eligibility.
Units are required to designate one of their most capable platform(s) (MLB/UTB) as filling the
role of ready boat(s) (if applicable). EXAMPLE: Unit has a two-boat readiness requirement the
day of the STAN visit. Unit has four standard boats attached (two-UTBs, two-RB-Ss). Unit must
designate at least one of their UTBs as one of the ready boats. The second ready boat
requirement can be filled with any of the remaining three platforms.
Aids to Navigation Teams or units with a BUSL attached will have the initial assessment for the
BUSL used to determine Kimball Award eligibility. For units with two BUSLs attached, one of
the two platform's initial assessments will be used to determine Kimball Award eligibility.
If one of the platforms will not be available for inspection (emergency haul-out, on loan to
another unit, etc.), the unit (through their chain of command) should notify the STAN Team and
G-OCS for possible reschedule of visit when all platforms will be available.
Units that have more than one standard boat attached and are not required to maintain a specific
readiness level can determine how many of their platforms will be used to determine Kimball
Award eligibility by the following guidelines:
Standard Boats Attached
Number of boats whose Initial Assessment will be used to
determine Kimball Award eligibility
Contact Commandant (G-OCS-1) for requirement