Encl (1) to COMDTINST 1650.2B
Note: Catastrophic Failure
If a unit boat experiences a catastrophic failure which leads to "Charlie" status and the boat will
not be repaired prior to the STAN Team visit, the unit (through their chain of command) should
consult the STAN Team and G-OCS for possible reschedule of the visit.
If rescheduling is not possible, units with multiple like boats must provide documentation (i.e.
CASREP) and the boat will not be factored into the scoring criteria.
For single boat units, every effort will be made to reschedule the visit.
If a unit boat experiences a catastrophic failure during the "Upon Arrival" portion of the STAN
Team visit, which results in an initial assessment of "Charlie" for their ready boat(s), the unit will
not be eligible for the Kimball Award. However, the assessment will be completed and an overall
rating assigned.
If a unit boat experiences a catastrophic failure after its "Upon Arrival" inspection (underway
drill exercises, SAR case, etc.), the unit is still eligible for the award if it completed the core
Recovery) prior to the failure.
G-OCS will make the final determination concerning the issuance of the award in any case that is
considered an uncommon occurrence.
c. Units with multiple like boats that receive a boat (e.g. rotatable pool, District spare, etc) within 30
days of the STAN Team visit will have the boat assessed however, the boat will not be used for score.
d. Units with only one boat type and have received the boat (e.g. rotatable pool, District spare, etc)
within 30 days of the STAN Team visit will have the boat assessed and it will be used for score.
e. Units that receive a new boat type (for which they have no qualified/certified crew) 90 days prior to
the STAN Team visit are still required to have that platform inspected, but all scores relating to that
platform (initial evaluation, platform material condition, written exams, and underway exercises) will
not be counted towards the unit's final Kimball score. If this is their only platform, they should
request through their chain of command that the STAN visit be rescheduled.
2. Platform Materiel Condition. Points in this category will be assigned based on the number and severity of
discrepancies reported upon arrival of the STANTEAM and as a result of the full power trial. Reference
(a) and the applicable platform Operator's Handbook describe most equipment discrepancies and the level
of severity of each discrepancy (Disabling, Restrictive or Major). The following scoring system will be
a. Points for boat materiel condition upon arrival (total possible points per boat = 15)
0 = 5 pts
= 5 pts
= 5 pts
= 4 pts
= 4 pts
= 3 pts
= 3 pts
= 2 pts
= 2 pts
10-12 = 1 pts
= 1 pts
>13 = 0 pts
= 0 pts