Enclosure (1) to COMDTINST 7302.2
QUOTA - A seat/place in a class.
TRAINING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (TMS) Database - A system that tracks training and
training dollars in the Coast Guard. It also tracks what training courses individuals have taken or
need to attend. The primary tool used by TQC to schedule personnel for training, issue travel order
numbers, generate record traffic and a record of estimated financial obligations. TMS is linked
with PMIS data, financial (LUFS) data and the Personnel Decision System (PDS). TMS is used to
track servicewide Class `C' training and post graduate training. TMS is capable of listing
individual training records or generating reports of all individuals assigned to a particular Afloat
TRAINING SLATE - A form provided by Training Quota Management Center (TQC) and
completed by the HQ program sponsoring the Class `C' training. It contains information regarding
course logistics, course costs, course attendees, and special information needed by the attendees.
Once completed, it is sent to TQC for processing and issuing of travel orders.
TRAINING SPEND PLAN SPREADSHEET - A spreadsheet used by G-WTT-3 and HQ program
managers to categorize each of their Class `C' training quotas. The spreadsheet provides
information regarding course number, course title, types of quotas, category of quota, cost per
quota, training center used, funding source for quota, and personnel/department/agency using the
quota. Individual sponsors of Class `C' training submit the spreadsheet to G-WTT for