Enclosure (1) to COMDTINST 7302.2
ATU - Administrative Target Unit- Coast Guard units that receive administrative operating
targets(funds) from HQ Appropriations Managers.
CLASS `C' QUOTA/FUNDS PRIORITIZATION PANEL - Panel of HQ program managers and
MLC training managers who meet as needed to determine how the AFC-56 funds and course
quotas for the upcoming fiscal year will be allocated. Membership consists of representatives
from: G-WTL, G-WTT, G-WK, G-M, G-O, G-S, C-CQ, G-CPM, G-L, and G-H.
CLASS `C' TRAINING - Short-term training (less than 20 weeks) designed to provide
advanced/specialized knowledge and skills to perform a task, or group of tasks, required by a
specific billet.
A DOT-wide accounting information system.
EXISTING COURSE - A Class `C' course that is currently part of a program's training plan, has
been on the program's plan in the past, or has a record in TMS.
EXPORTABLE TRAINING - Instruction which may be conducted at a local unit by training
teams or instructors from a resident training facility, using resident course materials.
FIELD UNITS - A unit in the field (e.g., stations/bases/ groups).
FRONT END ANALYSIS (FEA) - A systematic analysis of a performance problem that is done
prior to the selection and development of any performance-improvement interventions (e.g.,
advanced training).
HQ FIELD UNITS - Field units that report directly to HQ vice Areas/MLCs/Districts (e.g.,
Academy, FinCen, TQC).
LARGE UNIT FINANCIAL SYSTEM (LUFS) - A large unit financial system that passes
information into DAFIS.
NEW COURSE - A Class `C' course that has never been on a program's training plan.
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT - Short-term training (less than one week) designed to
provide knowledge and skills that will enable the attendee to better perform job related tasks.
PROGRAM MANAGER - The Program Manager is responsible for all aspects of Class `C'
training within a program including: performance review to determine if training deficient gaps
exist; working with G-WTT to schedule (FEAs); reviewing curricula every 3 years, reviewing
program training needs annually and requesting quotas in accordance with this instruction;
selecting students and submitting slates to TQC; granting waivers; etc. In most cases, the Program
Manager is TQC's primary Point of Contact (POC) within the Program.