Center with a copy of approved spend plans each year so that investment
decisions can be made and to insure liquid assets are available to meet
planned expenditures.
By 15 October: Year end list of expenditures by gift for the fiscal year
ending on 30 September. Commandant (G-CFM) will monitor gifts on the
report to ensure that expenditures incurred are in compliance with the gift's
purpose as specified by the donor.
Investment of funds is an interactive decision that depends upon the income stream
needed to meet planned expenditures. Investment decisions commit the funds for
six months to one year. Therefore, in order to assure the availability of funds, gift
fund expenditures should not be made unless submitted and approved by
Commandant (G-CFM) on the annual gift spend plan.
Area/MLC/district commanders, the Superintendent of the Academy and commanding
officers of Headquarters units with permanently assigned legal officers shall make
semiannual reports to Commandant (G-CFM) on gift activities. Gifts valued at less than
,000 and that do not involve foreign gifts, travel or real property need not be reported.
These reports shall be for the periods: 1 October through 31 March and 1 April through 30
September and are due to Commandant (G-CFM) no later than 30 days after the close of
the period.
James M. Loy
Encl: (1) Policy and Procedures for Special Projects
(2) Sample Memorandum - Acceptance of Payment for Foreign Travel
(3) Sample Memorandum - Acceptance of Payment for Domestic Travel Under GSA Rule