All personnel authorized to accept gifts may accept or elect to refuse a gift offer to
the Coast Guard. Carefully consider gift offers and exercise discretion in the
acceptance of gifts. In some cases it may be in the best interest of the Coast Guard
to decline a gift offer. Consider the following factors in determining whether
acceptance of the gift is appropriate: does acceptance create a potential conflict of
interest because of the source of the gift; can the Coast Guard reasonably comply
with any requirements imposed by the donor; does acceptance of the gift serve a
recognized need or objective of the Coast Guard; are the costs and the
administrative efforts required to accept and use the gift so extensive that
acceptance of the gift is not cost beneficial; and, are there specific considerations
which suggest that acceptance of the gift would be inappropriate?
All offers, which are beyond the acceptance authority of the recipient, must be
forwarded to the proper acceptance authority for resolution. If the offer is
forwarded to the next level in the chain of command, provide amplifying
information so as to enable a determination to be made as to whether the gift
should be accepted; and include an appropriate recommendation. In addition, the
recipient shall thank the offeror in writing, noting that the offer has been forwarded
for disposition in accordance with agency policy.
Obtain pertinent information regarding the gift offer including: name/organization
of offeror; description, value and condition of item; how the offeror wants the gift
used and if the item must be returned to the offeror. All gift offers must be made in
Gifts of official travel expenses must be approved in writing prior to the beginning
of the actual travel. Gifts of official travel expenses must be processed in
accordance with the procedures set forth in the GSA Travel Rule, 41 C.F.R. Part
304-1. Specifically, the acceptance request must include the following
information: the name, address and description of the non-federal source; the