For gifts that are accepted or declined, the donor along with the unit that received
the offer must be notified in writing.
Sample approval letters, special instructions for preparing travel orders and other
documentation requirements needed to approve travel related to performances by
Coast Guard bands, honor guards, drill teams, air show participants, and exhibitory
personnel handling static displays are available from the servicing legal office,
MLC (f) or Commandant (G-CFM-3). Travel orders shall cite applicable unit
accounting data; any cash payments accepted shall be deposited to the Coast Guard
Gift Fund and subsequently credited to the account cited on the travel orders. In
the case of a payment in kind, a pro rata reduction shall be made in any entitlement
of the member. Gift acceptance of travel expenses does not eliminate the
requirement under Foreign Travel, COMDTINST 5000.5 (series) to clearance from
the American Embassy before traveling overseas. Prior approval is required for
acceptance of all gifts/reimbursements of travel.
Custody Before Acceptance. As a matter of policy, Coast Guard personnel are not
permitted to accept physical custody of a gift from its donor until the gift has been formally
accepted by the Coast Guard. In circumstances where this is impractical (for example, the
donor insists on transferring custody or the gift arrives unannounced), refer the donor to the
cognizant gift acceptance authority. Notify the cognizant gift acceptance authority by the
most expeditious means via the chain of command and obtain disposition instructions.
Transfer of a Gift. Necessary fees, charges and expenses in connection with acceptance of
gifts are properly chargeable to unit AFC-30 funds.
Bands, Honor Guards and Displays. The provisions of the Public Affairs Manual,
COMDTINST M5728.3 (series) apply to private sponsorship of the Coast Guard Band and
Coast Guard Honor Guard activities and displays of Coast Guard aircraft, including
commercial air shows. The Coast Guard Air Operations Manual, COMDTINST M3710.1
(series) sets forth specific guidance regarding the participation of aircraft in flight and
static displays.
Gifts From a Foreign Government. Special rules govern the acceptance of gifts and gifts of
travel offered by foreign governments. For further information, refer to the Financial
Resource Management Manual (FRMM), Commandant Instruction M7100.3 (series).
Property and Accounting Records.
Gifts of personal property other than cash, checks, negotiable instruments or
securities and real property must be recorded in applicable property records in
accordance with the Property Management Manual, COMDTINST M4500.5
(series), or Real Property Management Manual, COMDTINST M11011.9 (series).