Enclosure (2) to COMDTINST 5230.51
The actual location of microcomputers at a unit is at the discretion of the Commanding
Officer/Officer in Charge and shall not exceed the MAL.
Coast Guard Standard Workstation (CGSW) may be substituted for a nonstandard workstation
(NSW) when technically feasable to fill an authorized shortage. NSWs will NOT be
substituted for shortfalls in the CGSW portion of a unit's allowance.
The MAL will be validated annually during the second quarter of each fiscal year.
Commandant (G-T) will generate and transmit reports of unit holdings to Flag/SES Officers.
In addition, Commandant (G-P)) will validate the status of non-permanent billets/positions.
Program Directors sponsoring a computer or software development effort will verify the level
of completion, status of funding, and provide/validate a unit level inventory of resources
committed to the development effort throughout the Coast Guard. Recipients will validate
and return the required documentation to Commandant (G-TA) within sixty (60) days of
receipt. Electronic Mail will be used to issue and return the validation reports. All
interpretations and additional guidance will be issued by Commandant (G-TA) via electronic
Recommended modifications to a unit's allowance will be submitted via the chain of
command to Commandant (G-T) for determination. If a shortage, surplus, or
misrepresentation of a unit's allowance is due to a reporting error, the responsible IRM Officer
will advise Commandant (G-TA) who will correct the unit's MAL.
When a function is no longer required of a particular unit, the microcomputers associated with
that function will, in order of priority: be transferred with the function; be used to fill
authorized shortages within the AOR of the Flag Officer/SES; or be reported to Commandant
(G-TA) as surplus. In all cases, disposition will be reported to Commandant (G-TA) within 45
Surplus microcomputer equipment should be related at a unit until disposition instructions are
provided by Commandant (G-T). Microcomputers are subject to transfer at any time as
directed by Commandant (G-T). Flag Officers and Senior Executive Service personnel are
authorized to move surplus microcomputers to units within their AOR with concurrent
notification to Commandant (G-T).