Enclosure (1) to COMDTINST 5230.51
One workstation for each pharmacy officer or medical supply position. (G-K)
One workstation for each MEDICAL officer position. (G-K)
Unit Administration:
One workstation for each commanding officer billet. (Fac. Mgr)
One workstation for the executive officer/deputy group commander billet. (Fac.
One workstation per YN and secretary billet or position where routine
workstation access not provided for by criteria listed under another function
is required (e.g. YN assigned to PERSRU). (Fac. Mgr)
Finance and Supply: One workstation for supply officer. (Fac. Mgr)
One workstation per SK and clerical supply billet/position (for aggregate
ARMS/LUFS/UFS Property, etc.). (Fac. Mgr)
One workstation for each position requiring access to supply cycle programs.
Personnel (PERSRU and RPERSRU): The allowance below reflects all
PERSRU/RPERSRU operations, including travel and general administration:
One workstation to be shared by the Admin/Personnel Officer. (G-P)
One workstation per YN billet. (G-P)
One workstation per SK billet. (G-P)
Reserve unit administration: Collocated drilling sites - Reservists use the
existing workstations. Non Collocated Drilling sites - 3 workstations/unit.
Staff Positions And Vessels Not Covered Elsewhere In This Instruction:
Area/MLC/District Commanders and HQ Directors will define computing
processes/requirements for all billets/positions in their AOR where the incumbent must
access one of the standard applications or cummunications systems listed on page 8. If
the incumbent uses a standard application and/or a communciations system in
conjunction with a requirement to use office automation tools, then the billet/position is
authorized a workstation. (ALL PROGRAMS)