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Process Owner
The process owner is the person that has the responsibility for monitoring
process results/capability; the authority or ability to effect changes: an
understanding of the process end to end.
Understanding who your customers are, what their requirements are, and
meeting or exceeding those requirements first time, on time, every time.
A measure of how the internal customers in an organization feel about their
Quality of work
Jobs and the work environment. Organizations with a high quality of work
life can attract and retain the best workers.
Turf. Sacred Cows. Areas within an organization "belonging" to a
"Rice bowls"
functional manager which are sometimes protected or optimized at the
expense of the entire organization.
Organizational structures that are in place to maximize efficiency and
effectiveness within one function or area. Industry examples include
marketing, sales, finance, etc. The term "stovepipe" is used to indicate a
difficulty or unwillingness to communicate or to see outside the walls of the
subunit. Like with rice bowls, stovepipes are ripe for sub optimization.
A short introductory course (2 to 3 days) on the basics of Total Quality
TQM Awareness
Management given to most senior and middle managers within an
A collection of graphical and quantitative methods and procedures for
TQM Tools
analytically describing and measuring a process. Normally the output of
these methods is shown in graphs or charts. Some are new and unfamiliar;
many are old and time-tested. Most are simple and usable by all CG
members; a few are complex and require extensive training.