Encl. (3) to COMDTINST 4105.4
Cutter Support Review (CSR). The CSR is conducted by a Natural Working Group (NWG)
responsible for integrating maintenance philosophy, actual field repair practices, and
allowance documents into the Cutter Class Maintenance Plan (CCMP) published by the lead
MLC. The working group ensures that logistics and maintenance needs of the cutter class are
"dovetailed" so that both scheduled and casualty maintenance actions are fully supported.
Specific support responsibilities by G-ENE, G-ELM, Supply Centers, and MLCs(v) are
clearly delineated in the completed CMPs. This pro-active approach provides responsive and
efficient support to the customer, the cutter. CSR NWG is managed and chaired by G-ENE.
Members. The CSR NWG consists of members from the following organizations:
a. The regular members are:
Representative and team leader, G-ENE, Type Support Branch (G-ENE-1).
Representatives from both MLCs(vr), Naval Engineering Division, Support
Representative from G-ELM Policy Branch (G-ELM-2).
Representatives (Platform Manager, Provisioners, Item Managers, etc.) from
SCCB, Technical Support Division.
Representative from applicable Headquarters Facility Manager.
The pro tem member(s) for the CSR are representatives from the customer community.
For example, a cutter Engineering Officer or a representative from an operational
Program Manager.
The following are Ad Hoc members of this working group. A representative from each
of the following may be invited to attend meetings in which specific agenda items
involve their processes: G-ELM Configuration Management Branch (G-ELM-5); G-
ENE, Naval Engineering Resources Branch (G-ENE-3); the Coast Guard Yard; Supply
Center Baltimore (SCB); G-TES, Electronics Systems