SEP 14 1999
HQO/HQU will:
Assign a HQO/HQU point of contact (POC) to each project.
Initiate requests and complete project outline for logistics projects required at the
ELC in accordance with the procedures outlined in enclosure (1). Project outlines
should be approved by Commandant (G-SEN) 30-60 days before expected
delivery dates of items to the ELC. This is necessary in order for the ELC to
establish due-in quantities for the materiel, designate the required space, and meet
any other project requirements.
Provide any necessary funding and/or additional personnel resources required by
the ELC to meet project requirements. This includes funding for packaging and
transportation of project materiel to the specified designations; and allocation of
billet(s) when a project is significant enough to warrant additional personnel.
Direct no shipment of materiel from the contractor to the ELC without prior
approval by the ELC.
Direct no shipment to a specific warehouse without prior approval of the project
outline by the ELC.
Provide written notification to the ELC for the purpose of identifying materiel due
in to the project and to transmit project information. Upon award, provide copies
of purchase orders, contracts, contract changes/modification, technical data,
drawings, Acquisition Support Plans, re-procurement and repair specifications to
the ELC Code 031.
Contact ELC Code 031 for release of all project materiel.
Review semi-annual project inventory status and advise the ELC of any changes to
project; monitor project activity to ensure proper execution.
Upon completion of project, provide disposition instructions for any residual
(10) Ensure that the acquisition process for systems or equipment procured for the
project addresses the Coast Guard provisioning policy. See the Provisioning
Manual for Major Systems Acquisition, COMDTINST M4423.3 (series).