Encl. (1) to COMDTINST 3500.3
Event or Evolution Complexity: Event or evolution complexity considers
both the time and resources required to conduct an evolution. Generally,
the longer the exposure to a hazard, the greater the risks involved.
However, each circumstance is unique. For example, more iterations of an
evolution can increase the opportunity for a loss to occur, but on the
positive side, may improve the proficiency of the team conducting the
evolution, depending on the team's experience, thus possibly decreasing the
chance of error. Other factors to consider in this element include how
long the environmental conditions will remain stable and the precision and
level of coordination needed to conduct the evolution.
Calculating Risk: To compute the total degree of risk for each hazard
previously identified, assign a risk code of 0 for no risk through 10 for
maximum risk to each of the six elements to obtain a personal estimate of
the risk. Add the risk scores to come up with a total risk score for each
hazard. Figure 3 is suitable for this process:
Risk Calculation Worksheet
Risk Score
Crew Selection
Crew Fitness
Event/Evolution Complexity
Figure 3