Encl. (1) to COMDTINST 3500.2
Step 2 - Conduct a crew-endurance risk factors assessment (RFA)
Research on fatigue, and studies of numerous CG platforms and operations, have
identified endurance risk factors that can compromise the health, safety, and operational
effectiveness of CG crews. The second step in implementing a CEM program is to
exposure. The endurance risk factors are identified and described earlier in this
COMDTINST. The RFA output is most useful if each individual in the WG or work unit
provides their exposure ratings for each risk factor. However, the RFA can be completed
either individually or as group using consensus scores.
If the unit has more than one mission or operational tempo, it is recommended that an
RFA be conducted for each mission or tempo, because the respective risk exposures can
be different. For example, a unit might have a hectic summer search and rescue (SAR)
season but a low-tempo winter season, or a cutter might experience different endurance
risks at sea then they do in port. Separate RFAs would identify the risk factors specific to
each operational situation, as well as the level of exposure that each situation produces.
A software tool, the Crew Endurance Management System (CEMS), was developed to
provide users with all the resources and tools to conduct CEM activities. The CEMS tool
download a copy of the CEMS tool please contact CG Headquarter's Office of Safety and
Environmental Health (CG-113) for a copy of the tool.
To conduct step 2 of the CEM process, open the CEMS tool and select the "Risk Factor
Assessment (RFA)" option. The tool leads the user through a series of questions related
to the 15 risk factors. The responses to the questions are used to generate an endurance
risk profile for a particular environment or a particular user/crewmember. Figure 1
shows one of the questions in the RFA addressing the risk factor insufficient daily sleep
Figure 1. Screen shot from the RFA showing a question from the RFA.