b. Area and District Commanders shall:
(1) Ensure that SOPs and/or OPLANs apply CEM in coordinating missions, in the course of
normal reviews.
(2) Integrate the CEM process and principles into training and readiness evaluations, and ensure
that they are included in readiness evaluation checklists.
(3) Ensure that all exercises and planning efforts consider CEM principles.
(4) Provide CEM program implementation support to the field through Safety and Health
Promotion programs.
c. Activity, Sector, and Unit Commanders:
(1) Integrate the CEM process and principles into daily operational, maintenance, and support
(2) Conduct RFAs at appropriate intervals, or when mission/operational requirements change.
(3) Include CEM information in operational briefs, e.g., pre- and post-flight mission briefs;
cutter port briefs; and damage-control, navigation, and seamanship training team exercises
and briefs.
(4) Include CEM information in appropriate operational notices and plans during the course of
normal updates, e.g., cutter organization manuals, Commanding Officer's Standing Orders,
AMIO, helicopter operations, law enforcement, and other operational bills; pulsed counter-